Covid-19 News

Check back here regularly to find out how the Covid-19 pandemic is effecting FBC.

Covid-19 Update, June 2023


Unless there is a sudden uptick in COVID cases in NJ, we will no longer be taking temperatures of people entering the church. We ask you to please continue to follow COVID protocols – washing hands, using hand sanitizer, covering mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.  If you would like to continue wear a mask, or social distance please do.


But remember Covid 19 is still out there!  If you feel sick, please stay home!  Call your doctor, follow his or her instructions and then watch the service online!  If you do test positive for Covid 19 – please call one of the Deacons or the church and let us know.  We will pray for you and then if need be, take the necessary steps here at the church.  So again, stay home if you don’t feel good!  It’s safer for you and for everyone else!

Covid-19 Alert...May 2022


Don't let your guard down.  Covid-19 is still around and may even be on the rise in your area.  Please remember to wear your mask in crowed areas, wash your hands often and consider social distancing whenever you can. 


The CDC recommends that...

If you are not up-to-date with vaccinations and you have been exposed to someone with the virus that you quarantine for 5 full days after the initial day of exposure; get tested at least 5 days after initial exposure. After quarantine, continue to take precautions and watch for symptoms for an additional 5 days -- that's a total of 10 days of monitoring after the day of the initial exposure!   If you develop symptoms, get tested immediately, isolate and call your doctor.


If you are up-to-date with vaccinations and you have been exposed to someone with the virus there is no need to isolate unless you have symptoms; but get tested at least 5 days after initial exposure -- even if you don't have symptoms.  Watch for symptoms for a full 10 days from initial exposure. If you develop symptoms, get tested immediately, isolate and call your doctor.


We pray this information is helpful and for more information please visit the website or call your doctor.

FBC begins with Soft Opening of Church 

Dear FBC Family,


We will begin to safely reopen the church building on Sunday, July 26 at 10am. We are calling this our “SOFT OPENING”.  If you are ready and feel comfortable coming out for church services we are ready to welcome you back.  Each week we pray more and more of you will begin to return so that we can get back to the joy of worshipping God together, under one roof, at First Baptist Church.  


If you plan to attend church services over the next few weeks of this SOFT OPENING, please call the church at 732-681-2315 so we can get a good idea of how many members to expect.


What We Have Done

  • The interior of the church has been professionally sanitized.
  • Wall mounted hand sanitizer dispensers have been installed for everyone to use.
  • Regularly touched surfaces such as door knobs and railings are being disinfected frequently.


What to expect during service when we come back

  • We will take your temperature with a no-contact thermometer as you arrive for service. If anyone registers over 100.4; he/she will not be allowed to attend.
  • We will greet each other with smiles, air hugs, air kisses, elbow bumps and waves until further notice.
  • We will be following social distancing protocol throughout the church.  Once we have reached capacity in the sanctuary, the overflow area will be available.
  • Masks are not mandatory, however they are highly recommended. If you don’t have one, one will be provided.
  • We ask that after the benediction, people quickly dismiss. 


What You Can Do

  • If you or someone you know tests positive for COVID-19, please let us know so we can pray for everyone affected and take necessary precautions to protect others.
  • If you are experiencing fever, achiness, coughing, sneezing, nausea, or any type of flu-like symptoms, please stay home and see a doctor if necessary.
  • Cover your sneeze or cough in the bend of your elbow or by using a tissue.  Please promptly dispose of the tissue properly.
  • AVOID touching your face as much as possible.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the restroom, before eating and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • Use hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available.
  • Forgo shaking hands, hugging and kissing others for a while.


As we continue our SOFT OPENING plans we will keep you updated here on our website and on our private Facebook page. Meanwhile, to keep up on the latest national and state COVID-19 news, you can check out these websites: and


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© 2017 First Baptist Church Belmar, NJ 07719