A brief summary of past sermons
Edited by Min. Adrianne J. Robinson, Associate Minister, First Baptist Church
To view a recent sermon in its entirety, please visit our Facebook page
"I Call Her Faith"
Scripture- 2 Kings 5:2-3
The scripture text does not tell us any specifics about this young girl. We do know she was a "servant"---a captive. And we can also call her "faith".
She demonstrated knowing who God is despite her circumstances.
How many of us will hold onto our faith in the midst of turmoil? Not only knowing what faith is, but also putting it into action.
Faith is easy on Sundays. But are you staying in faith on the other days of the week? When it's raining in your spirit? When the pain won't
We are leaving the year 2024 and entering into a new year- 2025. We need to WAKE UP and increase our faith more now than ever before!!!
Can we call you "faith"?
Be blessed and Happy New Year!!
Preacher - Assoc. Min. Minister Edward G. Robinson, III December 29,, 2024
Prepare Your Heart for the King!!
Scripture: Mark 1:1-3
This is a time where we prepare to celebrate our Lord’s birth and coming into our world. In the natural- we make physical preparations for Christmas and
also we should be preparing our hearts spiritually.
Advent is defined as “the arrival of a notable person, thing or event”.
Our scripture text in the book of Mark talks about-“Prepare the way for the Lord’s coming”…..-These opening verses in our text is a call for readiness
and preparation. The message- God is coming!- so we need to prepare. And verse 1 tells us – “this is the good news…”! We all have a role and a responsibility to also be a forerunner like John the
Baptist for Jesus!
It’s a time to remember the greatest gift ever given so many years ago—-AND—- a time to look forward to when Jesus returns.
Prepare your heart for the King!!
Happy Christmas to you and your family!!
Preacher - FBC Assoc. Min. Minister Adrianne Robinson December 22, 2024
"Finding Hope in God's Faithfulness"
Scripture- Jeremiah 33:14-16
Today is the start of Advent. We can find peace, joy, love and hope in God.
Throughout the Bible, God makes numerous promises to His people. Rest assured- He has a good plan for your life!
If He was faithful in the past, He is faithful now and will be in the future. We won't know why God does what He does, but we can trust His
Don't forget God is your help in time of any trouble. Even the trouble we get ourselves in- He is our help.
Beloved- you can stand with confidence on His promises. He is faithful and His faithfulness is for you!
Preacher - Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson Jr., Pastor December 1, 2024
Scripture- 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
It is hard to believe that we are on the verge of another holiday season!! We should view this holiday season as a way to give true, sincere, heartfelt
thanks and praise.
Let’s look at our scripture text. These verses formulate a full sentence, but it’s packed full of powerful commands for giving thanks: Rejoice
always…….pray continually…..give thanks in all circumstances…….“Give thanks in all circumstances”.—-This is one of those commands that, while it sounds simple, can feel very daunting, or even
impossible, at times. How do we feel gratitude when life isn’t fair?
We may not see how certain developments in our lives could possibly bring about anything good, but we can and should trust that our Heavenly Father knows
what He is doing, and He is in control. When you are finding it hard to be thankful- try these steps-
>count your blessings
>look at all the so-called small things in your life and remember these are gifts from God
>Read the book of Psalms- for example= Psalms 63, 95, 100, 136 and 150
I pray a wonderful, joyous and peaceful Thanksgiving to you and your families!
Preacher - FBC Associate Minister, Minister Adrianne Robinson November 24, 2024
"Everyday People"
Scripture- Romans 12:3-8
All of us should unapologetically use the gifts God gave us. All of us need to be accepting of one another because all of us are valuable and have
something to contribute to this society.
Do not let our differences divide us- remember- we are everyday people. As an everyday person- God has something for you to do- your gift to bless others
and point other "everyday people" to Jesus!
Be an "everyday" person--- be available for God to use----share the gospel and utilize your gifts.
Be blessed and stay in faith
Preacher - FBC Associate Minister - Minister Edward Robinson November 10, 2024
FBC Annual Men's Day service
Theme- "Pursue God's Path"
Scripture- 1 Timothy 6:11
Sermon topic- "Man of God- Take Your Stand"
In the scripture, Timothy is Paul's protege- learning under Paul's leadership. He is being groomed to be a leader in the church- in ministry. Timothy is
being told, instructed and taught- and also to men today--how to be that leader in the church, their homes and communities.
Going to church- preaching- doesn't make you a man of God. Being a true man of God will show in your actions and your walk.
God wants and expects men to be different and take their stand in His strength and on His Word. To keep away from strife and contention.
So--- Man of God- will you take your stand?
Be blessed!!
Guest Preacher - Rev. Kerwin Webb, MLK, Jr. Presbyterian Church, Neptune October 27, 2024
In October, the world hi-lights awareness of breast cancer- for women and men. On the 1st of every
October, pink ribbon seems to wrap around our planet for the entire month.
Focus group studies stated that pink is a color which is soothing…. It’s comforting and stands for
hope for the future. This color also represents Joy!
The book of James says to “count it all joy…..” What does that mean exactly? He tells us how to deal
with confrontation, challenges…. Not to be resentful…..Don’t pretend to be happy when facing difficult trials…….…….but instead have a positive outlook. (Read the 1st chapter). Look at things from an
eternal, heavenly perspective. Joy can be experienced in this present moment. And joy is not just for Sundays— Amen?
Christians will experience both joy and pain--the cross reminds us of that. As believers, we can
rejoice when things are good, happy and joyful. We can also rejoice when our life turns to painful moments and trials.
Don’t let situations steal your joy!! You can say with conviction- “the joy of the Lord is my
strength!!”- JOY--JOY--JOY---
Minister Adrianne Robinson -- October 13, 2024
"My God is More Than Enough"
Scripture- Ephesians 3:20-21
The word "El Shaddai" is one of seven covenant names through which God revealed Himself to Israel. It means "God is more then enough".
God desires for us to serve Him, love Him and live an abundant life. All of this is possible because of Jesus Christ. No matter what is going on in your
life, God is more than enough.
The Bible tells us He can supply all your needs. God will exceed your expectation in an abundant way!
Be blessed and remain hopeful in the Lord!!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr, Pastor -- October 6, 2024
What does sovereignty mean? The definition is "supreme power or authority". The Word in Genesis says God created all things and He is in control of
Everything God does is rooted in His love for us. His ways are always just and righteous. Unlike us- where we have a finite understanding. His plan and purpose will
give glory to His name! God will give you just what you need when you need it---and He has the final say.
Try this- anticipate that God got you and NOTHING will overcome you!!
We ask ourselves "why me?" when stuff happens to us. Know that God is preparing you for a good purpose. You may not understand, but His grace and mercy will carry
you through.
BOTTOM LINE: He is GOD!! Be blessed!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr., Pastor -- September 1, 2024
"Fireproof- I Smell Like Smoke- but I ain't Burnt!"
Scripture- Isaiah 43:2
The Word tells us in Isaiah that -”when you walk thru the fire of oppression”—- Not if- when! When the world around us feels like it is crumbling— When
our problems seem unbearable—-When you feel powerless—-When that sense of hopelessness and fear try to overtake you——-Remember-God is near.
Keep in mind- a diamond is refined in the fire. God did not promise a life free from pain or struggle. As Christians- we are going to go through some
stuff! You may come out smelling like smoke, but you won’t be burned. Not a hair on your head will be singed!
God is walking with you through the fire- and it will not consume you!!
Let somebody know you are fireproof!!
Minister Adrianne Robinson, FBC Associate Minister -- August 25
"Diversity-Equity- Inclusion"
Scripture- Revelation 7:9-10
The scripture text tells us that people from all nations "came before the Lamb...." When you read the words for the Statue of Liberty- they are also powerful- "All
are welcome".
Today- diversity, equity and inclusion- or DEI- is a phrase repeated time after time. Much more awareness of this topic is being made.
People need to feel accepted and to belong. We all have different gifts, skin color and upbringing- and that's a good thing!
Everyone deserves respect, acceptance and love. Jesus was and is about unity- unity in Him. Remember the words in the gospel of John 3:16- "For God so loved
the world....."
Jesus came for all- you, me--everybody! NO exceptions!!
Minister Edward G. Robinson III, FBC Associate Minister-- August 11, 2024
"The Choice is Yours"
Scripture- Deuteronomy 30:15-20
The scripture from the book of Deuteronomy is just one of many examples from the Bible where a choice is given – and might I add- it has encouragement of
what is the right choice to make.
Moses challenged Israel to choose life- which is obeying God and if they did that- they will continue to experience His blessings.
When you choose Jesus- you will gain confidence-confidence that He loves you……confidence that He sees you and confidence He has a good plan for your
Aren’t you glad you serve a God who won’t just leave you to your own ways???..
Aren’t you glad Jesus chose to stay on that cross and give His life for you?!!
God has given us what we need in this life to choose well.
Choose to be better today than you were yesterday.
Family- the choice is yours…..
Minister Adrianne Robinson, FBC Associate Minister -- August 4, 2024
"It Takes a Village"
Scripture- Proverbs 22:6
Maybe you can recall those who helped you when you were growing up? Those in your circle- part of your village.
Your village trained you to one day be a village for someone else. To help a child to learn how to persevere, stand strong and be confident.
If we train our children- as the scripture says- "they will not depart...." It will help them to understand and know who God is.
A village is an important part of a child's life. Being responsible to help children to reach their full potential. To be a part of the village, the villagers need
to remember these scriptures-
Psalms 139- tell children they are "fearfully and wonderfully made"
Philippians 4:13- tell children they can do all things thru Christ
Proverbs 3:5- tell them to trust God with all their heart
Exodus 14:4- tell them God will fight for them
Isaiah 54:17- tell them no weapons that come against them will prosper
Romans 8:37- tell them they are more than conquerors
Be that village for a child and help prepare them for what God is about to do in their life!
Minister Edward G. Robinson III, Assoc Minister FBC 6-30-2024
"Real Men Please Stand Up"
Scripture- Ezekiel 22:30
This world desperately needs strong and able men. Men willing to stand up for righteousness no matter the circumstances. Men not afraid to stand for God
and are God-fearing. Men who act with integrity and kindness.
Father's Day is a wonderful time of year to honor those special men in your lives. Fathers need to keep their focus on God and follow Jesus. Men in
Christ are to set the example in their household!
Fathers- take your rightful place in your home and be the priest of your household. Cover your family in prayer. Stand up against those
Happy Father's Day
Preacher- Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr- Pastor FBC 6-16-2024
"Hall of Fame"
Scripture- Hebrews 11:32-39 (We encourage you to read the whole chapter)
The Hall of Fame are for those who are in sports, music, literary arts or some other kind of profession. This person has gone above and beyond in their
area of expertise and domain. The ceremony for this Hall of Fame is a time set aside to honor these outstanding individuals.
It is a tedious process, particularly for the Football Hall of Fame- for choosing the inductees.
But I have to ask- what is the criteria to get into God's Hall of Fame? Hebrews 11 verse 6 tells us- “But without faith it is impossible to please Him,
for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”. So- 1st believe and 2nd have faith!
Now who is on God’s selection committee? – Who is making the decision about our performance and faith? Well- it’s not 50 people-—there is only 1. The One
in who you believe gave His life so you can have access to the tree of Life—-our Savior- Jesus Christ!
When you and I get inducted into God's Hall of Fame- we get a crown and robe of righteousness. We will walk on streets of gold, see Jesus face to face
and our name will be in the Book of Life!
Can't wait to hear Him say- "Well done!!
Be blessed!!
Preacher- Minister Adrianne Robinson, Assoc Minister, FBC, Belmar 6-9-2024
"Relationship Status: It's Complicated"
Scripture- John 5:6-7
The scripture tells us Jesus knew this man had been in his position a long time and the question was asked-"Do you want to get well?"
The Bible reminds us that before we were born- God knew us!
In your relationship with God- are you holding onto HIs hand? Or are you pulling away and against Him? Are you trusting Him? Or are you trying things
your own way?
Despite all you have done--- and still do---accept Jesus and the gift of salvation. Your relationship doesn't need to be complicated. God gave us His one
and only Son to save the whole world. Your relationship with others can be complicated, but with God- allow Him to help you.
Preacher- Edward G Robinson III, Assoc Minister, FBC 5-26-2024
"It's All a Masquerade"
Scripture- 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
A trap that we can all fall into is to pretend to be someone or something we are not. So many people wearing a "mask". Satan is a master at this.
There is chaos all around us and we need to know God more than ever in order to avoid others trying to masquerade to us.
If we don't trust God, we will fall for anything and believe the enemy's lies. Remember- God is the same yesterday, today and always! He will not trick
you and He upholds you with His mighty arm.
Don't get sidetracked. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life! You can do all things through Christ!!
Preacher- Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr 5/5/2024
"Using Your Authority"
Scripture- Mark 11:23
God warns that satan is hunting us- his prey. But through God, we have authority over this enemy and can resist his schemes and lies.
The Bible tells you only a little bit of faith is needed- as small as a mustard seed.
Don't you know who you are? Who you belong to? Who blesses you with His power to do great works?!
In order to use your authority, remember 3 things-
Seek God's Kingdom
Focus on God's presence
Remember God gave you this authority
Keep your head up! Stomp on the devil's head! Use the authority God gave you!
Be blessed!!!
Preacher- Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr, Pastor, FBC, Belmar, NJ 4/21/2024
"Faithful or Fake"
Scripture- Mark 7:6-9, 13
The definition of the word tradition is- “a custom/opinion, or belief handed down to posterity”. Another definition is “principles based on experience and or
Sometimes we can become too traditional in our prayer life and worship. Doing it more out of routine, than for actual service to God. FAITH OUTWEIGHS any
What is your motive ——what is your agenda— when you say you are doing something for God?
Traditions focuses on actions and routines. Faith focuses on Jesus and the promise of salvation! Tradition follows the crowd. Faith follows Jesus.
Jesus was not against all traditions- but against those practices that people do which take the place of God in their heart and life. God doesn’t want religious
practices- He desires us to become living sacrifices and live rightly--everyday!
Are you fake or are you faithful?
Minister Adrianne Robinson, Associate Minister, FBC, Belmar, NJ 4/14/2024
"Never Alone"
Scripture- Joshua 1:1-6
God tells us in His Word to "be strong and courageous". This is because He promises to be with us every step of the way. Know that God will be with you
whatever you go thru!
Sometimes it may feel like no one is for you, but God is right there. He is beside you, listening to you and He hears you.
Don't let circumstances, situations and challenges overwhelm you.
God is with you--- You are never alone!!
Preacher- Pastor James A. Jackson, Jr, Pastor FBC, Belmar, NJ 4/7/2024
"That Old Rugged Cross"
Scripture- Romans 5:8
Happy Resurrection Sunday!!
The Word says that while we were in our sin, Christ died for us! He gave of Himself so you can have life in abundance.
The cross is a message for us to seek God everyday and to repent and acknowledge Jesus. This message is for everyone (read John 3:16).
That old rugged cross is for hope----for salvation---for peace. Take all your cares and sins and leave it there!
Today is not about bunnies and eggs. Today is about our risen Savior who is Christ the Lord!
Be blessed!
Preacher- Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr, Pastor FBC, Belmar, NJ 3/31/2024
"NO Shame Here"
Romans 1:16
As Christians we need not be ashamed of the gospel message. It is the message of salvation for those who know and accept Jesus.
When you encounter Christ- your whole landscape will change and you are a new creation.
Do not allow others to determine your destiny. You look to Jesus who holds your future. Don't worry who's not for you---who talks about you---who treats you badly. Stand on the
gospel message!
Remember- if God is for you- who can be against you! Because of what Jesus did on the cross- that gospel message--- that good news---you can have life
No shame!! Glory to God!!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr, Pastor FBC Belmar, NJ 3/17/2024
"Called for a Purpose"
Scripture- Genesis 6:14-16
The scripture text tells us Noah was called for a purpose- to build an ark to save those who God chose.
God does see and is aware of the struggles of His people. He will call somebody out of the crowd to fulfill His purpose.
You may not know exactly what you are up against, but know God is with you. When God calls you- please answer in the affirmative- YES! He will equip you
with the "materials" you need to serve Him and the purpose you are called to do.
2-25-2024 Be blessed
"Guard Your Passion for God's Love Language"
Scripture- Revelation 2:1-5
FBC World Marriage Day Service
In 2023, it was estimated that the probability of a marriage ending in divorce within the 1st 10 years is approx 33%. The national divorce rate for 2nd
marriages is 60- 73%. Sad stats....
As Christians, we can be in danger of being divorced from God! Do a spiritual check up and tune-up. Watch out for those things that try to dis-fuel the
passion to do GOD's work.
Thank God He does not fall out of love with us. GOD IS LOVE and love has its source in God. (Read John 3:16)
As far as marriages- keep God front and center- that is a non-negotiable!! Yeah- there will be conflicts, disagreements, the unexpected….but if the
husband and wife are focused on God and seek His guidance, the journey will be smoother and be blessed!
Keep your passion ignited in your marriage and keep your passion for Jesus!
Stay blessed!!
Minister Adrianne Robinson, Assoc. Minister, FBC 2/11/2024
"If He Did it Before, He'll Do it Again"
Scripture- 1 Samuel 17:34-37
Scriptures remind us how God is good and His Word has relevance to our daily lives. But some may still question- "where is God"?
Listen- God never changes! He has proven faithful to His people in times past and He remains faithful to His people now.
It does not matter what it looks like- problems and trials. If he delivered you before........if
He solved it before..........if He worked it out before......if He healed you before.....if He provided for you before----HE WILL DO IT
Stay in faith and be blessed
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr., Pastor 2/4/2024
"Don't be Distracted- Stay Focused"
Scripture- Isaiah 43:18-19 and Proverbs 4:25 (read in the Message translation)
Some of us may have done some reflections about the past year. And that’s good. But, don’t stay in 2023. Reflect and move on.
Whatever we may be going thru- circumstances, situations and our surroundings……we must shift focusing on that and look at things thru God’s
We have to change our focus—-we have to stay focused. We have to be deliberate in our walk with God. We need to align our mind with God’s thinking and
His plan.
Tomorrow, we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr Day. A man who had a lot of things- distractions- hoses, dogs, jail…..—-distractions—- happened to him that
could have caused him to get off the track of fighting for civil rights. Obstacles, roadblocks, struggles, injustices – easy distractors- which could easily place an unfocused individual in a
quandary. But King was focused- focused on a dream that one day all people will “walk together, pray together, struggle together and stand up for freedom together so we can be truly free”. A man that
even years after his death- his focus lives on.
Look back at that scripture in Isaiah. The Holy Spirit is telling us that the miracles and breakthroughs you experienced in 2023- will be nothing
compared to what God is about to do for and thru you this year- 2024!! Get excited for this year!!
God is getting you ready for greater!!
(Minister Adrianne Robinson, FBC 1/14/2024
"Don't Look Back---Move Forward"
Scripture- Philippians 3:13-16
When we look back, we have an inability to let go. In order to move forward, we must put the past behind us.
Praise God for allowing us to see another year- 2024. He allowed us to cross over from one season into the next. We need not dwell on the past, but look
and move forward.
Those things that happened in 2023- good or bad- God already knew and ordained for that time. It is our custom to visit the "coulda", "woulda" and
"shoulda". Get out of your pity party!! Look ahead and not behind you. Embrace your future and know God has your back.
We have a bright way ahead of us because of what Christ did for us. If you accept Christ, you are a new creation- no longer the same. Stop letting your
mind linger in the past. Do not let anything impede your progress and forward movement!
Happy and blessed New Year!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr, Pastor FBC 1/7/2024
Sunday school lesson- Tradition vs Faith
Galatians 2:11-21
Beloved, remember- your faith must not be based on what you do for God, but rather on what God has done for us through His Son Jesus Christ. Do not let
traditions get in the way of your worship!
"The Father Knows Best"
Scripture Isaiah 40:31
The scripture reminds us to wait on the Lord. He knows best. There are no surprises to Him. Jesus is our pilot- not the co-pilot. The whole world is the
Lord's and everything in it.
Church folks can be the world's biggest pretenders. But, truth be told- ALL people have concerns and problems. Those who walk the path of Jesus will
suffer the most--so HOLD ON!! God- our Father- knows best!!
Now is the time to know the Lord! We need to wait on Him and watch Him work.
Everyone is going through something and when things feel out of control- remember God is still in control.
Be blessed!
Preacher - Minister Fannie M. Ross, FBC Assoc. Min., 10/8/2023
"It looks like it- but it aint it"
Scripture 2 Timothy 3:1-5- especially verse 5
The scripture refers to people who make an effort for an outward appearance of religion, but on the inside it is a lie- no godliness in them.
It is an easy trap pretending to be something we are not. Most times we try to fit in- but this can be dangerous territory. We should live a life in total integrity
and be who God called us to be. Life is not about being fake and phony!
It's not about what you have, but where you are going. You are a child of the most high God and you need to walk in His truth!!
Be blessed!!
Preacher- Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr 10/1/2023
"Kidnapped by Sin; Rescued by Faith"
Scripture- Luke 15:11-16, 22-24
The word kidnapping means "being taken away from a current situation and be put in a new role" or "being held hostage and having no control". This is
what sin tries to do to us.
Like the younger son in our scripture text, we need to come to our senses. We must realize and recognize our need for God. If it was not for God- where
would we be?
Because of repentance and believing we are forgiven, we can be rescued. Through faith in God's gift of salvation through Jesus, we shall be
Christ broke the shackles binding us sin thru His death and resurrection. Because of this, we can walk in the newness of life. God rescued us from sin by
giving us His only Son. Let your faith in God keep you from being kidnapped by sin!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr., Pastor 9/3/2023
Why is it so Hard to Get Rid of Anger?
Scriptures- Ecclesiastes 7:9; Matthew 5:21-22 and Ephesians 4:26-27
Whether it's annoyance, aggravation or rage- it's all anger. Anger is toxic and corrosive to our spirit. It makes us bitter- not better. Anger destroys
relationships and damages lives.
How do we deal with our anger? Why we do we like to hold onto our anger? Do we like to keep it because it makes us feel good? And we cannot be responsible for
someone else's anger.
Feeling anger is a real emotion. Anger for injustices is valid, but the key is not to sin in our anger.
The scriptures are clear- we are to get rid of anger. Not to manage it- get rid of it! The Bible instructs us not to be
so easily provoked.
Some practical strategies to help us get rid of anger-
Remind yourself about the truths about God - He is a just God.
Save your energy and channel it into doing something good for someone else. Seek peace.
Remember how much you have been forgiven. Look to the cross and the price Jesus paid.
Think on this- don't you want God to be angry-free when you meet him face to face?
Guest Preacher, Rev. Eric Hoheisel, Assoc Regional Pastor, American Baptist Churches of NJ August 26, 2023
"When the Storm is Raging- Praise"
Scripture- Acts 16:25
Storms can be brutal and destroy anything in their path. Our spiritual storms feel like they might devastate our lives.
In our scripture text, Paul and Silas are praying and praising while imprisoned! Beloved, when you are striving to live for God and given your life to
Christ, there is a target on your back and storms will be in your forecast!
No matter the type of storm- we still need to praise God. If we say we truly know God, there should be a praise inside of us. If we recognize all God has
done for us, there should be a praise inside of us. If you know it was Him who woke you up this morning, there should be a praise inside of you!
No matter what you are going through, stay in prayer and give God all the praise!!
Be blessed!
Minister Fannie Ross, Assoc. Minister FBC -- August 13, 2023
"Information Overload"
Scripture- Philippians 4:8-9
In our scripture text- Paul is speaking to his beloved church of Philippi. Throughout this book, Paul is addressing the discourse in the church in regards to unity
and false teachings.
He is trying to get across about our need to focus… but focus on what?
“Information overload" -is a term that refers to the difficulty a person can have understanding an issue and making decisions that can be caused by the presence of
too much information.
We must program ourselves to focus on those things which are true, trustworthy, praise-worthy, admirable, pure, lovely and right. Replace harmful input with
wholesome, God-worthy input and material. Concentrate on things of God- and not focus on the lies of the enemy.
If you start feeling overloaded, confused, irritated, overwhelmed , frustrated- focus on the One who can calm your thoughts and your mind!! Turn into over to Jesus
and He will work it out !
Minister Adrianne Robinson, Assoc. Minister August 6, 2023
"Customer Service"
Scripture- Matthew 7:12- read in KJV, NLT and MSG translations
Everyone is familiar with the “Golden Rule”. And this verse of scripture is not just in churches- it exists in secular settings as well. In short- it
basically means- - to treat others as you would want to be treated.
This golden rule is the foundation of active goodness and active mercy- —-active——- not passive. Active requires energy—-it requires action.
When Jesus taught this concept- he was saying- it’s not enough to just avoid doing evil……we have to do good! Do not shy away from what seems
Go the extra mile……providing that good customer service means making sure we put the needs of others before our own agenda.
Because we do believe in Christ, His model of customer service is what we are to be following. You may not have the job title of “customer service rep”,
but how you treat others will be rated?
Would it be excellent or would it be poor? Or would you fall in the middle- neither agree or disagree? On a scale of 1-10- where would your spiritual
customer service land? What number circle would you fill in? 10 for best- 1 for lousy….
Beloved- do good to others!
Minister Adrianne Robinson, FBC Assoc. Min -- July 23, 2023
"Stay in Your Lane"
Scripture- 1 Chronicles 21:1-7
The phrase "stay in your lane" quite simply means- stop interfering and butt-out!
Re-read verse 1 of this passage of scripture. David in fact was tempted into sin. He allowed the enemy (satan) to get him to go out of his lane. David
was boasting in his pride and what he thought was his army's strength. He was taking credit for things that did not belong to him. Because of his actions, the nation of Israel was
We should not live our lives with an "all about me" attitude. It is all about God!! No matter your title- at work, school or church, it is about God and
His business.
Remember, God is merciful and if we repent, He will forgive us. Keep your focus on Christ and keep Him first at all times. That is your
Be blessed..
Minister Fannie Ross, FBC Assoc. Minister July 9, 2023
“Guaranteed Victory”
Scripture- Deuteronomy 20:1-4
When teams lose, they realize that their strategy must change, and they need to get competitive. An equal playing field is a good feeling and a great
The Bible is clear- God is with you and will go with you! In this passage of scripture, Moses is encouraging the Israelites to not focus on the enemy,
but to focus on God and trust He will bring them to victory.
I know your problem looks big--- but God is BIGGER!! When God has your back, nothing is impossible for you. You are a winner and victory is
Be blessed.
Minister Edward G. Robinson, III, FBC Assoc. Min. -- July 2, 2023
Happy 7th Anniversary Pastor Jackson!!!
"Its Not Your Turn, but It's Your Time"
Scripture- Luke 18:35-43
Most of us like movies where the underdog is losing in the beginning, but in the end- that same underdog is victorious!
Sometimes we get to a point where we are no longer a victim. Somebody may have counted us out, but now we are counted back in. God can turn anything around. His
Word can immediately change our situation. He has the last word! Not in our time, but His!
The scripture text shows us how the crowd tried to tell the beggar to be quiet. But he yelled all the more louder. Don't let others try to silence you. Shout out to
God and trust He will turn things around! How will you know?
God will show up in your circumstances.
He will supply your needs.
He will see you through.
Go ahead and holler!!! Thank you Lord that despite all we've been through, we are still here!!
Be blessed!!
Guest Preacher June 25. 2023
Rev. Conway C. Johnson, Jr.; Sharon Baptist Church, New Brunswick, NJ
"I Still Have Hope"
1 Peter 3:14-16
The Bible tells us to always be ready to give an answer why we have so much hope. When you read the Word- it is plain about the need for hope and what
hope does for us.
Do not let situations steal your hope. You can move obstacles because of your hope. The definition of this word is "an expectation that one will have a
positive experience".
We need to see the glass as 1/2 full. The best hope is in having a relationship with Jesus Christ. Our hope is enduring and because God is faithful, we
can be confident. How can we falter in our hope when we serve a risen Savior!!!
"My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness".....
Minister Edward G. Robinson, III -- June 11, 2023
"Talk is Cheap"
Scripture- 1 John 2:1-6
As believers in Christ, we can shout Halleluiah because He knows our name.
Many talk about their faith but do not demonstrate it in their actions. Many people talk loud but are saying nothing. Many folks talk a good game- but
talk is cheap!
We all need to do a self-analysis- walk the walk and talk the talk.
It's time to stop playing church and be the church. Read your Bible- the Word tells us how to live. We are accountable for not only what we do, but also
what we say. Our model to follow is Jesus!
Actions truly speak louder than words. God created us for a purpose- to serve Him and show Christ to the world.
Beloved- it's time to take things seriously!!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr., Pastor -- June 4, 2023
"We Are Family"
Scripture- Hebrews 10:22-25
The popular song - “We are Family” by the group Sister Sledge was a dance hit song in 1979. Y’all know the hook- “We are family--Get up ev'rybody and
In the family of God- which are called Christians- though there is much diversity- we all share common traits— we share one Spirit and God is our Father.
Given so much trouble in the world today——the burdens of life can be heavy and more than ever we need to plant ourselves in the house of the Lord to draw strength and encouragement from one
It's good to worship on your own. It's important to pray by yourself. But something happens corporately that doesn't happen individually.
Prayer for Today: Father, thank You that the church is Your idea and for making it a place where I can unite my faith with others and draw strength from
Thank you for creating us to live in community with one another. Thank You that when we gather to worship, I am refreshed, restored, and reenergized for
the week ahead. Help me to be connected with other believers. In Jesus' Name,
Minister Adrianne Robinson, FBC Assoc. Min. -- May 28, 2023
FBC 2023 Women’s Day Service
“Provoked into Position- for a purpose”
Scripture- 1 Samuel 1: 1-18
People seek after things, positions, and titles. But we need to seek God’s purpose for our lives. God is the answer to the question- “Why I am
We serve a God who is strategic and orchestrates all things. Don’t panic through the process! Reflect on Jeremiah 29:11. Trust God in the midst- He has a
purpose. He will allow situations to come into our lives to provoke us to pray, worship Him, trust Him and seek Hm. Our trials come to serve a purpose.
Do not be satisfied with where you are now. There is better waiting for you! We may not understand, but God will take the weapons of our haters and turn
them into a tool for refinement- a purpose for our lives! Be blessed…..
Guest Preacher, Pastor Kim Murphy -- May 21, 2023
“It’s Time to Make a Decision”
Scripture- Exodus 32:25-26
Decision making can be a daunting task. It can be very overwhelming. God wants to guide us to make the right choices and if He didn’t care- it wouldn’t
matter what we decided to do.
Godly decisions mean we need to rely on God- read His Word and trust in His promises.
In Exodus, there is a call of loyalty to God and rejecting worldly pleasures. We can’t point the finger at the Israelites. We also need to look at
ourselves! Be careful of other avenues and roads that seem appealing. Be careful of following the crowd. You must keep your eyes focused on Jesus!
To make good decisions- keep these in mind-
- Get the right information
- Think of the consequences
- Remember all God has done for you
It’s time to make the decision- Jesus or the world.
Keeping you all in our prayers!!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr., Pastor -- May 7, 2023
March is Women’s History Month
“Empowering Women”
Scripture- Philippians 1:6
Women have had transformative roles for centuries. Women have trusted God with more conviction due to the adversities faced. The Greek definition of the word
empowered means-“filled with power”.
The most High God has given women authority and many abilities. Women must know their identity in Christ and apply God’s Word in everything they do. You should not
look at what “isn’t” but look at what “is”- thru God.
Women- it’s time to claim all God has for you. God is trying to show you what He needs you to get done. He has given you His Spirit. Be determined--- be ready and
always be standing for what is right because God is empowering you!!
Be blessed!
Rev. James A. Jackson, Jr., Pastor 3/19/2023
Prayer is defined as: “to make a devout supplication; a solemn request or thanksgiving to GOD”.
Here we are, the 3rd month of the year and it’s a year already filled with sorrow, anxiety, tragedy…..drama!….both in our personal lives and in the
How can we be assured that GOD hears our prayers? Because in my Bible- 2 Chronicles 7, verse 14 gives us the answer. God gives us a formula for turning
back to Him and this is an ancient promise God makes to us in times of calamity.
Our land is hurting…. People are hurting…..Prayer helps us to connect with the invisible God who is Lord over both the seen and unseen. Pray—- for
yourself, you family- your current issue—-pray because someone needs you to intercede for them. Pray as if your life and the world depends on it--because it does! AMEN!
Minister Adrianne Robinson, Assoc. Min. 3/12/2023
“My Hero”
Scripture- Colossians 1:16-20
Christians believe Jesus died to save the world and 3 days after, He rose and is seated at the right hand of the Father- Amen? The Bible is rich with
promises that God is with us and for us.
We all have heroes- and these heroes are temporary. But there is a hero who supplies eternal life, and His name is Jesus. The biblical definition of a
hero is- “someone who helps others in need and offers strength, support and provides in areas of weakness”.
We can’t look at the “created” things to save us. Only Jesus can do that because everything was created through Him!
Superman has kryptonite- but nothing can stop the power of Jesus. My hero--- your hero—our Savior!!
Rev. James A. Jackson, Jr., Pastor, 3-5-2023
Black History Month Sunday
“Just Keep Moving”
Scripture- Exodus 14;10-12
The title of this sermon brings to mind what we all need to do all the time.
We remember and reflect on the attacks against Black Americans and we honor our Civil Rights leaders who paved the way and kept on moving so we can keep on
In the infamous words of Matin Luther King, Jr- “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have
to keep moving forward.”
This can relate to our scripture text for today. In order to be successful- we have to maintain a certain mentality and not give up. No matter what the situation
looks like, we must press ahead. When God delivered the Israelites He promised a way out and all they needed to do was focus on Him. There was a roadblock- the Red Sea- and the chariots were on their
backs! They stopped moving and started panicking!
We have to know God will see you through what you’re going through!
We won’t get to our destination unless we focus on Jesus. People of God- stop crying, stop whining and stop complaining! Trust in God and just keep
Be blessed!
Minister Fannie Ross, Assoc Min, 2-26-2023
World Marriage Day
Scripture- Matthew 19:1-6
Marriage is the first institution created by God and it is the bedrock of society.
Marriages are under attack. Foundations of families are under assault. 50% of marriages will end in divorce. But- through Jesus- there is
The Bible tells us that God said “man should not b alone” and He designed marriage. Husbands and wives were compliment each other and not be competitive
with each other.
Marriage is more about commitment than compatibility. Commitment to better or worse--- richer or poorer---sickness and health. Marriages are to be 3-fold
(chords)- God, husband and wife.
There will be conflicts in marriage, but if the husband and wife focus on God and seek His guidance- the journey will be smoother and
Guest Preacher -- Pastor Kedrick Brown 2/12/2023
Walking Thru the Fire”
Scripture- 1 Peter 4:12-13, 16
God never promised a life free from pain, drama, hardship or anxiety. He promised He would never leave us nor forsake us.
Some of us may read this passage of scripture and become fearful. But God---He encourages us that if we hold on and walk by faith and not by what we see-
the riches of heaven will fall upon us.
As Christians, we will go through some “stuff”. But there is hope in the midst of the “stuff”. When we walk through the fire, Jesus is with us! Your
situation may be enormous and not like someone else’s, but God is bigger than any enormous situation!
We need to hold onto to somebody fireproof to take us thru and that Somebody is Jesus. Amen?!
He will walk with you thru the fire and you will come out better on the other side!!
Be blessed!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr., Pastor 2/5/2023
“Who Am I”
Scripture reference- Matthew 16:13-15
In the movie- “Bourne Identity”, the main character is trying to figure out who he is.
In the scripture text, the Pharisees and Sadducees questioned who Jesus was- they wanted a “sign”.
Your situation may say one thing, but Jesus says something else! Who do you say Jesus is? Who is Jesus in your life? He’s a mind-regulator, heart-fixer, peace
giver. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life!
You have to know Jesus for yourself--- have a personal relationship with Him. We can’t run from Him because He knows exactly where we are.
Do you know Jesus??
Minister Edward Robinson, Associate Minister 1-27-2023
“Hallelujah in the Storm”
Scripture- Mark 4:35-41
Storms are seasonal- Hurricane season is June to November; Tornado season is March to August; and Floods— well anytime of the year.
The best way to survive a storm is to be properly prepared. The act of preparation can be a very tedious project. The definition is- “the act of being
prepared” and this in turns means- “to get ready”. You know- “stay ready so you don’t have to get ready. So what about those spiritual storms?? Can you put a date and time on your worst
You have to recognize- before any big blessing or move of God- there’s going to be a storm- bad weather will be in your forecast. Remember who your
ANCHOR is—— JESUS! We need discernment and we need a safe passage. We can only get these things by leaning on and trusting Jesus!
Our naked eye can only see so far when we are in a spiritual storm- but we can trust the One who sees all and He also sees where we are. And Jesus may
not calm the seas- but He will give us His peace thru the waves.
Look- re-read verse 36- “so they took Jesus in the boat and started out….” Family-- they took Jesus with them. Jesus is with us—- everywhere we
So whether it’s your Hurricane——whether it’s a tornado—-whether a flood—— or a blizzard- --cause it’s coming…..Whether you are about to enter a storm-
you already in one or baby- you coming out of a storm- say—Hallelujah!!!!!!
Be blessed!
Minister Adrianne Robinson 1/22/2023
“I Ain’t Too Proud to Beg”
Scripture- Judges 6:1-2
Some of us remember the old Temptations song- “I Ain’t Too Proud to Beg”…..
The definition of the word beg is- “ask earnestly in an anxious way”.
In these verses of scripture, Israel was without a leader and they were disobedient and disrespectful to God. They compromised their spiritual purpose.
Israel- God’s chosen people- turned from Him many times and thought they were self-sufficient. And many times- God would send a leader (judge) to help them.
We all have done something wrong where we may need to ask for forgiveness, 2nd chances or a do-over. Sometimes, Goad may have to step in to get our
attention and there may be consequences to pay.
Before getting into those situations, we should and need to stand on God’s Word, follow and trust Him. Listen to His voice and look to
When we find ourselves drifting away- not listening to God- we should not be too proud to beg for forgiveness, 2nd chances or a do-over.
He will hear us and help us!!
Minister Fannie Ross, Associate Minister 1/8/2023
“It Doesn’t Matter”
Scripture- 1 Corinthians 4:1-5
Know this on the 1st day of the new year- life is meaningless without Christ!!
Paul says in the scripture text we are here to serve God and Him alone and nothing else matters aslong as we put God first!
Don’t be discouraged- but be encouraged in the Lord. And don’t be concerned with what others think or say! Do not forget that “greater is He that is in
you than he who is in the world…”
It doesn’t matter what your situation is……people’s opinion, or what it looks like…..Because we are more than conquerors!!
Beloved- it doesn’t matter because God will supply all your needs.
We thank God for a new year and we pray peace, joy and blessings in all of your lives today!!!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr., Pastor 1/1/2023
“What Christmas is All
Scripture- Luke 2:8-14
Preacher- Minister Adrianne Robinson
View our Christmas Day Service, visit our Facebook Page.
“Pressing Through the Pain”
Scripture- Job 13:15-16
When we read the book of Job, we see a man who was going through great tribulations.
Life can be and is at times- painful- both physical and emotional. But God wants us to use our pain to help others and He will give us the strength to
And while we are going through our own challenges- God expects us to praise Him- despite the pain and what we are going thru. Think on this- pain can be
a gift that motivates us to our healing because it will force us put our focus on God and get us to the other side.
In our weakest moments- God is our strength! We can count it all joy! Regardless of the pain, God will remain faithful, and we can press through it and
keep holding on to His hands!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr., Pastor 12/18/2022
“Let Not”
Scripture- John 14:1-2 (especially verse 1)
Everybody got issues! Amen? Trouble comes to everyone and is everywhere. And it doesn’t matter how close of a relationship you think you have with God-
you will wrestle with trouble.
Read John 14 verse 1. Jesus is talking about our soul and the state of our heart’s emotions.
Sometimes trouble comes into your life to put you where you belong. In some cases, we may hold onto things that no longer have value- and that brings
trouble. But all troubles have an expiration date! The song says- “trouble don’t last always!”
Be encouraged- Jesus will not leave you alone in your trouble. Let not fear overtake you! Let not trouble disturb you! There is a way to handle this
stress and that is to let your faith override your fears!!!
Beloved- Let not and know God is able and he will take you through!!
Guest Preacher -- Apostle David D. Weeks, Alive Church,Pennsauken NJ -- 12-11-2022
There is Power in the Blood”
Scripture- Hebrews 9:11-14
God sent Jesus at the right time and at the right place. This is the season where we celebrate Christ - not just Christmas. Christ is the center of this
season. IT’s not about how many gifts we get- but it is about the ultimate gift in which God gave us in Christ Jesus.
Our blood is contaminated with sin. Without the power of the blood we would have no peace, no healing and no forgiveness. We should not fall away from
Jesus- we need to hold onto His hand.
The blood is our lifeline, our hope and our healer! Thank God for the Lamb!! There is power in the blood!!
Be blessed!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr., pastor 12-4-2022
"I Woke Up Like This"
Scripture- Psalms 139:13-14
Remember the Muppet song-"It's not easy being green?" The song talked about being ordinary, pushed around and under-valued. Have you ever been told that
you're 2nd class? Unworthy? Unattractive?
Beloved- read these verses of scripture. Thank God for being made in His image. We are more than conquerors! Don't run from who you are. God created you
and all that He makes is perfect!
Look in the mirror and say - I WOKE UP LIKE THIS!!!
Be blessed!!!
Minister Edward G. Robinson, III 11/13/2022
“Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”
Scripture- Romans 7:14-25
This 1986 novel showed that the human personality reflects both good and evil.
In the scripture text, Paul expresses the desire to do what is right, but the sinful nature fights against it. Struggling with the flesh is a constant
battle for a Christian. We need to remember that the motive matters more than the action.
There is a battle going on inside of us and we all have a Mr. Hyde!
4 points to remember-
1. We are all born with a sinful nature
2. Sin grows in the dark
3. Left unchecked, sin will devour us
4. We cannot rescue ourselves- we need a Savior
We don’t need to fight this on our own. We can lean on God. We trust Him and His promises!! Jesus has our back and will help us with keeping our Mr. Hyde
in check!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr., Pastor 11/6/2022
Scripture- Romans 8:31, 38-39
“The Good Men Project” – this is an organization founded by Tom Matlock in 2009. It started out as a conversation about what it means to be a good man in
this century. They used this character of Eddie Haskell from the sitcom- "Leave it to Beaver"- to bring awareness to bullying.
They proposed it as a syndrome—- and they called it—- the “Eddie Haskell Effect”- this pertains to workplace bullies who kiss up to the people in charge-
while at the same time bullying subordinates and peers behind the manager’s back.
Faith— this is our weapon against those bullies- those unseen forces that try to grab us up and get us scared!! We need absolute conviction—we need to
believe with all seriousness
that God will do what He said He would do!!! Understand this——Manifest this in your spirit right now—- NOTHING—NOTHING AND NO ONE IS BIGGER THAN
Always remember - God is with you wherever you go- no matter how alone you think you feel and no matter what
you’re facing!! If the Creator and Sustainer of everything that exists has put Himself on our side, who can be against us? Who can even touch us? Who would
even think about picking a fight that they ultimately could not win?
Minister Adrianne Robinson, Assoc. Min.
"You Should have Never Told Me about Jesus"
Scripture- Luke 18:35-43
When we were growing up- there were conversations in our households- one for adults and one for children. As children, we were not allowed to hear all that was
said. As we get older- some conversations only can be shared at certain times.
In our scripture text- the man who received his sight also received the knowledge of the One who could save. He heard Jesus was coming and he knew his opportunity
of healing was at hand. When you know about Jesus, you will learn these things-
Jesus listens
Jesus will stop and take time for you
Jesus makes all things whole
Because of Jesus- know you are special, you have purpose and you deserve healing. Jesus makes the difference in our lives.
Rev. Dr. Semaj Y. Vanzant, Sr., guest preacher 10/23/2022
"Exit Strategy"
Scripture- Exodus 3:9-10
Preacher- Minister Edward Robinson
The Bible tells us about a new Pharaoh who felt
threatened by the Israelites- who were numerous in number. These Israelites were crying out to God. Then.... here comes God! He heard their cry. He heard their moans. He chose Moses to help them to
exit Egypt.
God is choosing you. Are you tired of where you
are? Are you looking for new territory? Are you ready for a new blessing? Well- work with God. Trust Him to move you towards your exit into a new thing! He has an exit strategy for you.
Minister Edward Robinson, Associate Minister
“Timing is Everything”
Every great accomplishment relies on timing.
Timing is essential. God has created 24 hours in a day, 365 days in a year and 4 seasons.
When it’s our time for our blessing- God will
give us whatever we’ve been praying for and waiting for at just the time we need it! He may not come when you want Him, but He is ALWAYS on time!
In the scripture text- Christ’s 2nd coming is a
matter of timing and God wants us to be ready. He is giving us time to get it together. God is giving us a wake up call!
Use this time to get ready.
God is eternal- and that translates to He is
timeless. He is not governed by time (Read Psalm 90:4)
God is never late. God’s timing has no deadlines,
is honest, done with clear judgment, not influenced, has no strings attached and is done despite who we are.
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Pastor 10-2-2022
“Thank You For Being a Friend”
Scripture- Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
BFF- stands for “best friends forever”…..a person’s best friend. This phrase describes a very close friendship.
Researchers document that even though we have all these avenues for “connection”- Facebook, Instagram- people are more distant——-people are more
Beloved- we are wired for friendship. We need connection. Friendships can bless our lives. Life is designed for friendship. We are not here on this earth
to serve ourselves…..we are here to serve God and others. And we don’t need 2,785 “friends” to attain that blessing.
Friends will disappoint you. Friends will desert you!!! Don’t worry about those so-called friends who are not in your life anymore. God will send a friend
to you. And if not… Jesus is ALL you need. “When I think about Jesus and ALL He’s done for me—— my soul cries out Hallelujah!!! Thank you Lord for saving me!”
Thank you Jesus for being my friend!!
Minister Adrianne Robinson, Associate Minister 9-25-2022
"No Matter What Happens"
Scripture- Romans 8:28
In our quiet time we can reflect over our lives
and recall how God saw us through. Know this- just because you may be going through something, doesn't always have to do with sin- there is a purpose. All of us are going thru it! And it feels like
the enemy is winning. Your circumstance is not too big for God. Let your faith be strengthened! God is not finished - just need to hold on!
God can transform the impossible to the possible.
Allow Him to move thru your current challenges. Turn it over to Jesus and He will work it out! This scripture serves to remind us that all things- situations, struggle- will work out for our good
because we love and trust God.
No matter what happens- You can make it! No
matter what happens- God will make a way! No matter what happens!!!!!
Be blessed!!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Pastor 9-4-2022
Ordination Service of Deacon Kathy D. Henriques
June 12, 2022
"God Chose You"
Scripture- Jeremiah 29:11
God reminds Jeremiah he has a divine formation...a distinctive calling....a divinely chosen vocation. God has
a plan for our lives and He sets us apart for a special purpose.
Never fell "less than"....never doubt and never be insecure. Stand fast in God's promises. No matter what has gone on in your life- know God tracks your
steps, but not your sins.
God's plans are His promises to us. His plans are good... His plans are faithful.... His plans are sure!
Beloved- God chose you!
Guest Preacher - Rev. Dr. Edward D Harper, Macedonia Baptist Church, Lakewood, NJ
"Emotional Hijacking"
Scripture- Luke 22:54-60
The brain in times of crisis will get a boost of adrenaline. This can mess with our emotions. Emotional hijacking is when an emotional response overrides
a rationale one.
Peter was Jesus's "ride or die" and in these passages of scripture, we see he denies Jesus 3 times.
How may times have we denied Jesus? How many times have we allowed our emotions to get hijacked?
The Bible is the antidote to this hijacking.
Our hope is in the Lord!
Our trust is in the Lord!
Our all is in the Lord!
Don't let your emotions get hijacked..... Beloved- look to Jesus. He will restore you and meet you right where you are!
Be blessed!
Minister Edward Robinson 6-5-2022
Youth Service Sunday
“Planting the Seed”
Scripture- Proverbs 22:6
Throughout our lives- God is planting seeds of faith and we are called to also plant seeds of faith in our youth and the Bible is the sunlight which
nourishes that seed.
Unfortunately- in recent events- we have lost innocent children to violence. Maybe if the right seeds were planted, so many children- over the years- may
not have died? Only God knows……..
As parents, we must habitually speak to our children and teach them about Christ. As parents, we must provide an environment which will foster a child in
a positive way. A loving parent models God’s love, point their children to the Savior, demonstrate godly morals and provide godly correction.
The youth today need support, needs guidance and need structure. We are to identify their potential and help them develop into great
Beloved- plant those seeds and “Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it”.
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr., Pastor 5-29-2022
"SAY YES"!!!
SCRIPTURE- Matthew 5:37
Y-E-S- a three letter word… very simple. Not “yeah”-which actually is very informal and doesn’t carry the weight of being very firm. YES- firm—YES- sure…..
Over our lifetime- we have been and continue to be put in situations or asked questions where we have to give a yes or no response. Depending on the situation or what
feel will be the outcome- determines our answer in either the affirmative-which is a yes— or in the negative—which is a no.
Matthew 5 verse 37 Jesus says - “Just say a simple ‘yes I will’ or ‘no I won’t’”. No need for fancy responses.
As Christians- we said Yes to God when He put forth the invitation to accept Jesus and the gift of salvation. When we say yes- it allows the process of His
power –transformative power- to be put into motion. Our yes shifts our focus off our circumstance and turn toward our Savior. It transforms us- and we should no stay the same.
Surrender and say yes to God. Unlock all He has for you with a simple yes!!
Minister Adrianne Robinson, Assoc. Minister 5/23/2022
FBC Women's Day Service!!!
"When a Woman is Prayed Up"
Scripture- 1Samuel 1:1-2
The Bible tells us of a woman in this chapter of scripture- Hannah- who cannot bear children. She took her burdens to the Lord and left them at His altar.
Hannah kept her faith and prayed to the Lord. She was a prayed up woman!
We may go through trials, challenges and rough circumstances- but keep praying! Let God have His way.
Don't give up- pray up
Don't quit- pray up
Don't despair- get prayed up!!
Be blessed!!!
Guest Preacher, Minister Fannie Ross 5/15/2022
Happy Mothers' Day
"The Power of a Woman's Faith"
Scripture- Matthew 15:21-28
The Bible shows us examples of women whose faith brought them through all kinds of circumstances.
God fashioned mothers to be defenders of their children. A woman of faith will lay prostrate before the Lord and intercede for her children. Mothers know how
to call on the name of the Jesus. Her faith can uplift her family.
Mothers have faith and hold on. God is making a way!!!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr., Pastor 5/8/2022
Scripture- John 11:20-21, 32
The word "if" is a noun and a conjunction. Only a 2 letter word, but it can add a lot of meaning to a sentence.
Have we ever prayed about a situation and wonder what was taking God so long? Asking- why hasn't he showed up yet? We all know the expression- "He may not come when you want Him, but___________________"(fill in the blank) Jesus knows His assignment.
We just have to do our part-
-if we trust Him
-if we have faith
-if we wait on the Lord
Beloved- know God hears you and the blessing is on the way.
IF you do your part- Jesus will do His!
Stay blessed.....
Minister Edward Robinson. FBC Assoc. Min. 5/1/2022
"Hurry Up and Wait"
Scripture Jeremiah 29:11, John 15:5
Basically the phrase "hurry up and wait" means get yourself together.
If we say we are for God it must show in the way we live. We must be connected to the Vine (John 15:5) so we can produce good fruit. Beloved- God is the
true connection for us to get ourselves together. Hurry up and wait on God!
Be blessed!
Guest Preacher -- Rev. Kerwin L. Herring, Sr., Calvary Baptist, Red Bank 4/24/2022
Happy Resurrection Sunday!!! Christ is risen!!
"The SON Did Rise"
Scripture- Luke 24:1-8
Song- "Because He Lives"
Life can be bitter or sweet. Sometimes we may feel like our life is a soap opera. But today---those who proclaim victory in Jesus can bask in the light
of the S-O-N!
Jesus knew His death meant life for all of us and His resurrection is the eternal promise for all who believe in Him.
The SON did rise to take away sin....to take away guilt....to take away anxiety....to take away depression....to give us strength, joy and
"When I think about Jesus and all He's done for me, my soul cries out Hallelujah! Thank God for saving me!"
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr. ThD -- Pastor 4-17-2022
Hosanna in the Highest!!! Palm Sunday
"Complexities of the Crowd"
Scripture- Matthew 21:1-15
As we enter the week before Resurrection Sunday- we see crowds- especially in the church-
We need to be mindful of crowds as they are complex and full of opinions.
In the scripture text, Jesus shows us how to deal with a crowd. First off- Jesus only chose 2 disciples for an assignment. (think about that).....
Jesus shows us the following-
Always stay connected to the source- God
Don't allow the crowd's opinions deter you from your assignment
Remember that crowds are fickle- always changing their minds
Know who in the crowd is on your side
As we look ahead to Easter Sunday- keep in mind that God has placed you in a position of entry point for your journey and purpose and don't let the complexities of
the crowd keep you from fulfilling your assignment.
Be blessed!!
Guest Preacher, Rev. Kerwin Webb, Second Baptist Church, Asbury Park 4/10/2022
"Are You on the Right Road"
Scripture- Job 23:8-9
Have you looked in all directions and feel like you're not getting answers? Do you feel like you can't find, see or hear God? Are you going through and
feel all alone?
Whatever you may be going through- know that God knows. Thank Him!! He will never leave you nor forsake you. Keep looking- God is there. Beloved- He sees
all and knows all.
If you keep your eyes on Jesus- you are on the right road
Minister Edward Robinson, FBC Assosciate Minister 4/3/2022
Sunday School Lesson
Topic- “Celebrate Passover of Completion”
Scripture- Ezra 6:13-22
Passover- is not only for Jewish people- but serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness to all who follow Him and how He provides for His
God has delivered all of us from some sort of trial or challenge we came up against. Passover is a symbol of His favor and we must show God daily- not
just in bad or trying times- how much we appreciate Him.
Reasons to celebrate-
- It grounds us to our personal roots
- Cobbects us to Jesus
- Helps us understand the need for sacrifice
God has given us memories of how He demonstrates HIs love for us so we can keep our faith in Him
Pastor James A. Jackson, Jr., Th.D. 3-20-2022
“Keep Pressing”
Scripture- Philippians 3:13-14
This passage of scripture shows us that the Christian life can be an uphill battle. But we must advance and move forward and keep our eyes looking ahead
and not back. We may not be where we want to be, but thank God we are not where we used to be.
You may feel pressed or pressure in your life- know you are not alone! Focus on God and His purpose for your life.
Our goal as Christians is Heaven. The enemy’s goal to to get us off track. Keep pressing forward and God will strengthen you to overcome any obstacles.
Forget about past hurts, lies, misunderstandings and failures. You can’t change the past. God is faithful to press you toward the goal which is in front of you.
Beloved- keep pressing!!
Pastor James A. Jackson, Jr., Th.D. 3-6-2022
"What's Going On"?
Scripture- Luke 18:35-43
The topic for today is also the name of a classic song by Marvin Gaye. The song was about the injustices going on in that time and unfortunately,
continue today.
In the book of Luke, we read about a beggar at the side of the road. Today, we see people with disabilities and infirmities and they are being ignored.
Folks telling others to "shut up" and "be quiet".
But we know that in order to be whole, we must cry out to Jesus. What's going on today? Why are people trying to shut you down? Why are people telling
you to be quiet?! Don't let anyone hinder your praise. Don't let the crowd or any situation have you doubt whose you are!
What's going on? Know that Jesus is the Truth, the Way and the Life!!
Guest Preacher -- Minister Fannie Ross 2-27-2022
Giving Honor Where Honor is Due
Scripture -- 1 Timothy 5:17-18
We’re taught at a young age to respect our elders. In these verses of scripture, Paul is giving Timothy instructions on how to lead a church. The word
“elder” here references to church leaders. Honor is the recognition of someone’s work or deeds.
Many are called- but few are chosen. It’s time for us to double our time, talent, treasure, efforts, focus, love, worship and commitment to Christ and
His kingdom building.
Today we show appreciation for our Pastor and celebrate his great accomplishment!
Guest spesaker -- Deacon Bellamy Shivers, Diaconate Chairman 2-20-20
"Identity Theft"
Scripture- Genesis 27:11-16
As Christians, we need to protect our identity Christ. The definition of identity theft is "illegal use of someone else's personal information in order
to obtain money or credit". We cannot give the world permission to dissuade us from influencing others for the Lord.
Don't let the world- others- say you are something that you are not. Know who you are and whose you are! We are to have our lights shine for Christ. Do
not allow the world to steal your identity or stop what God has for you!
Minister Edward Robinson, Assoc. Minister 2/13/2022
"The Thrill of Victory/ The Agony of Defeat"
Scripture- 2 Chronicles 20:5-12
The thrill of victory is an exhilarating emotion, but it's the agony of defeat that can drive one to higher achievements.
In today's scripture- we see a King who has enjoyed peace and prosperity and then trouble came. We will go along in this life and all is well- then all
of a sudden----we hit a brick wall or the wall hits us! When trouble comes or situations go left, lift up your hands and praise God and thank Him for the coming victory!
In times of so-called "defeat"- remember God has not forgotten you and He knows exactly where you are. Do not be dismayed or afraid. You will not need to
fight. Know God is right there with you.
In this life there are winners and losers. The biggest loser is the one who does not know Christ and His promise of salvation. Beloved- you have the
victory because of who you belong to! Praise God!! AMEN!!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr. , Th.D., Pastor 2/6/2022
Scripture- Hebrews 12:1-2
This is a new year- 2022… everyone making vision boards- folks developing goals and making resolutions- read more, spend time with family, buy a house,
get a new career, start school, stop smoking. One of those goals might be to lose weight.
This life is a spiritual marathon. We must strip off the weights- be it a character trait or a self-assumed responsibility, a relationship or a desire,
pride or anger so we can run our race. We have to let go of those things which hinder and hold us back or we will not make it to the finish
Walk with Jesus…. Talk with Him…. He tells us in His Word- “cast all your cares and worries to God for He cares about you…” Look to Jesus- the author and
finisher of our faith!!
Beloved- shed the weight!!!
Minister Adrianne Robinson, Assoc Minister, 1-23-2022
"Praise Is What I Do"
Scripture- Psalm 150
When we praise God, it is our weapon against the enemy and lets the enemy know you refuse to be defeated! It demonstrates your trust in
We must wholeheartedly give God all our praise. The scripture says "let EVERYTHING that has breath praise the Lord". As long as we are breathing, we are
to offer up praises to the Most High God! In praising God , we proclaim His worth and acknowledging that He deserves all the glory. We must praise Him the good and bad times- in every type of
Whether we bow down, kneel, extend our arms, raise our hands, use an instrument or sing--- it is all done for our Lord!
The Bible is full of examples of how praising God can change circumstances.
Praise is what I do!!! Praise is what you do!! PRAISE HIM!!! PRAISE HIM!! PRAISE HIM!!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr., Th.D. Pastor 1-9-2022
"Preparation for Elevation"
Scripture- 1Samuel 16:6-13
When God is ready to elevate you- He will open doors no one else can shut! Stay in prayer because the enemy of your soul doesn't want to see you prosper.
The previous year had its share of troubles. But- God's vision for your life will prevail and come to fruition. Any challenges or obstacles- God will use as stepping stones for your
elevation. Your steps are ordered by the Lord.
How many of us are prepared and ready to be elevated? God is going to do something new in 2022. Hope is on the way if we trust Him wholly and completely. Be strengthened in His word-
Jeremiah 29:11! God has abundance promises for your life!!
Happy and blessed New Year!!
Rev. Dr. James A. Jackson, Jr., Th.D. Pastor 1-2-2022
"Let Go and Let God"
Scripture- Ephesians 4:31-32
When things get crazy and start bubbling over- we must allow God to have control so He can change the story and smooth things out. Before we begin a new year- we
need to put old things behind us. We must turn it over to Jesus and let Him do what He does!
Submitting to God- without any doubt- allows us to take the next step in our journey with Him. Let go of negative thoughts, submit to Him and give Him that control.
He is our ever-present help.
How do we let go-
Lay it all aside- anything which hinders you
Be renewed- in your mind- read your bible
Put on the "new self" and leave your old ways behind
Open your hand- let go- give it to God. Walk into 2022 with a renewed purpose and allow God to direct your life!! Be blessed!!
Rev. James A. Jackson, Jr. Pastor -- 12-16-2021
"The Fire is Necessary"
Scripture- Daniel 3:19-20
When the 3 Hebrew boys were thrown into the fire- the King did not see 3 people in the hot, fiery furnace- but he saw 4. The Word says-"And the fourth
looks like a god!” He was the Son of God! This story is an example that God will go through the fire with you.
Also- fire is necessary for growth, development, pruning and refining. Remember- a diamond could not be a diamond unless the process of fire is
Beloved- the fire is necessary!
Minister Edward Robinson 12-5-2021
You Really Got a Hold on Me”
Psalms 63- especially verse 8
As Christians- we are aware that there is a battle for our souls. The scriptures tell us that we need not fear for God has a hold on us.
Trouble surrounds us on all sides, but there is a greater power tha can carry us over these problems. There are
times you will feell like giving up, but trust and believe there is a power from on high to keep you encouraged.
If you want God to have a hold on you-
-walk closely with Him
-praise Him often
-proclaim Jesus as your Savior
-keep your faith
Always remember God has you in the palm of His hand. He will take you through the valleys and over the mountain tops. Nothing will overtake you! God is
greater than any adversity you will face!!
Rev. James A. Jackson, Jr., Pastor 11-28-2021
“Thanks for the Giving”
Scripture- 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
We are in the week of the Thanksgiving holiday. As this holiday approaches, some may feel “what do I have to be thankful for” due to losses, sickness and
circumstances beyond our control. But for Christians, whose faith is in Jesus and who rely on the Holy Spirit- we can be pushed into a space of gratitude despite what we are going
We are thankful for Jesus and all He has done for us. And we are to be thankful- not just one day out of the year- but everyday!
There are may verses of scripture in the Bible which instruct us to be thankful— “in all things”- good/bad, big/ small. We are to ”rejoice always” and
“pray without ceasing”!
Focus on what you have rather than on what you think you are lacking. Thank God!! Praise Him!! Thank Him for his giving!!
BE blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!!
Rev. James A. Jackson, Jr., Pastor 11-21-2021
“A Ball of Confusion”
Scripture- 2 Timothy 3:1-7
This world is in a serious state of confusion and folks have disregarded the Word of God. People think it’s ok to live any type of way. As Christians, we
have to remain as ambassadors for the Kingdom of God and not compromise our values and beliefs just to fit in. People are watching…..
These verses of scripture parallel to the times we are living in now and some may phrase as “the last days”. Know this- God is not the author of
If you’re tired of living in a ball of confusion- cry out to the Lord, pray, read your Bible, put your trust in the Lord and submit to His will. He will
make your paths clear- He will deliver you and align your life to His word.
Rev. James A. Jackson, Jr., Pastor -- 11/7/2021